Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Free Will Horoscope for October 12 - 19, 2010

SAGITTARIUS [November 22–December 21] For your assignment this week, I have borrowed from a list of suggestions offered by Sagittarius poet Kenneth Patchen in his bookThe Journal of Albion Moonlight. Feel free to improvise as you carry out at least three: 1) Discourage all traces of shame; 2) Bear no cross; 3) Extend all boundaries; 4) Blush perpetually in gaping innocence; 5) Burrow beneath the subconscious; 6) Pass from one world to another in carefree devotion; 7) Exhaust the primitive; 8) Generate the free brain; 9) Forego no succulent filth; 10) Verify the irrational; 11) Acquire a sublime reputation; 12) Make one monster at least.

How I Will Change The World

I will make the world a better place.

I will make my life into something beautiful.

I am powerful enough to do whatever it takes.

These are the incantations of a despairing soul, begging herself for forgiveness and freedom from the tethers of the past.