Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Searching for the light of logic when emotion is at the helm

I am tempted to be jealous and possessive, hurt and confused, and to question your intentions.

I will choose to fight toward my better instincts, and instead respect your personal space, your freedoms to choose your own outcomes, and focus instead on how lucky I am that you have allowed me into your life.

I will also tell myself over and over again how lucky you are that I have done the same.

And I will protect myself with the caveat that I have the right to discuss this issue with you, at the appropriate time, in search of the best possible outcome, and that once the topic has been investigated, your actions are beyond my control, and my decisions regarding the future of this relationship will depend upon them.

Until that point, I will choose to try not to think about how worried I am, how vulnerable I am, and how much I want you to take the pain away. Because those are useless emotions right now, since for the time being, it is impossible for me to have any answers.

You are entitled to your freedom to choose your friends and lovers.
You have been kind to me so far.
I want more, and you know it.
And right now, all this is doing is making me sad.

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How I Will Change The World

I will make the world a better place.

I will make my life into something beautiful.

I am powerful enough to do whatever it takes.

These are the incantations of a despairing soul, begging herself for forgiveness and freedom from the tethers of the past.