Friday, June 5, 2009


This is me trying to take my own picture, and squinting hard in the sun. I think I am sort of gorgeous in the picture, even though it captures every crease, dimple, and wrinkle that can possibly exist on my face at any given moment.

I like how focused I look. I like the color of my hair - it's natural color because it is the same, exact color of my Dad's hair when he was my age.

Little story about why I was doing this:

I was at "Blow Hole" in Maui with my family. It is rocky and the pacific water at the location is the most heavenly color blue that I have ever seen. I got bored and looked for another vantage point.

Far away from the other tourists, I saw what appeared to be a sharp drop, and beyond it, a perfectly framed shot of the ocean crashing into the volcanic rocks below.

I walked over, only to discover that, if I just climbed down about 6 feet, there was a perfect backdrop for a self portrait. So, climb I did. On the edge of a cliff. 30 feet above the rocky shoals of the Hawaiian seascape.

I did this because I have a new love, and I want him to think that I am beautiful. What better way to accomplish this goal, than to show him a picture of me with this crazy, heady, gorgeous, crushing ocean behind me?

Although my plan did not work, because the rocks did not provide a place for my camera to rest on its own at a level plane that was parallel to my face, I still like this accidental photo.

It documents how hard I try ALL OF THE TIME, EVEN ON VACATION IN HAWAII to make my life as beautiful as possible.

I try really, really hard. I think that's probably the best thing to do.

1 comment:

  1. You make me smile. I see myself in you. But of course I look different. I'm still on cloud nine because a young girl at the video store said "I like your hair." My hair makes me self-conscious and I was thrilled that a young girl would even notice me.

    I like the determined struggle on your face too. Much more interesting than a smile.


How I Will Change The World

I will make the world a better place.

I will make my life into something beautiful.

I am powerful enough to do whatever it takes.

These are the incantations of a despairing soul, begging herself for forgiveness and freedom from the tethers of the past.