Monday, June 29, 2009


One of these days, soon, I am going to leave it all behind, let it go and look forward. One of these days, soon, I am going to love the great wide open with wreckless abandon. One of these days, soon, I am not going to be afraid anymore.

I am the woman in the photograph. My body is strong, my spirit is wild, and not even the thundering Pacific Ocean is strong enough to drown me.

One of these days, soon, before my will tires out, before I die of thirst, I can hang on long enough, and I will find the shore.


  1. Our recent subject at our women's dialouge was "courage to ..." Isn't the pacific bluer than the Atlantic? Colleen aka Joe because I don't know how to change the settings below.


How I Will Change The World

I will make the world a better place.

I will make my life into something beautiful.

I am powerful enough to do whatever it takes.

These are the incantations of a despairing soul, begging herself for forgiveness and freedom from the tethers of the past.