Wednesday, July 15, 2009

All dressed up with nowhere to go.

at midnight, I went out into the night

with the click and spin of my bicycle

riding in swerves over yellow lines

looking for something real

but something unsettling remained very still

all the doors were shut, all the windows dark

there was nobody but me

out in the wild, warm night

not even a restless teenager

anywhere in sight

and it struck me as sad that the world was there

offering something simple, but striking and gorgeous

the gulf stream breeze kept mosquitos at bay

pink clouds moved overhead and the tide was

high, or near high, and no scent of mud, but that

of confederate jasmine and gardenia in full bloom

the starstrung beauty of the summer night

the best part, the best part

the tender heart of it

the tender heart


  1. I saw you riding by but I thought it was just Diogenes again.

    This is sad and lovely.

    Hello, Poe.

  2. Okay, I just had to look up Diogenes because I had no clue who he was. On that note I would like it to be known that I was NOT naked on that bicycle, NOR was I holding a lantern.

    Wish you hadn't gotten us confused, it would have been nice to have your company!


How I Will Change The World

I will make the world a better place.

I will make my life into something beautiful.

I am powerful enough to do whatever it takes.

These are the incantations of a despairing soul, begging herself for forgiveness and freedom from the tethers of the past.