Tuesday, July 21, 2009

John's Island & a curvy highway

So far, I had spent 2009 in a

stupor of fear and weariness,

mixed with a few bouts of hope and mania.

I was driving down a street that

stretches for a few miles underneath a canopy of

live oak limbs.

Even in the winter, they are

green and humid, shelter to a

hundred other species,

stronger than everything, stronger than the

march of time.

Intermittent patches of cold sunlight

visited the asphalt.

I was worrying.

Racked with fear that I am not good enough,

that I am too old,

or too embattled to ever be joyous,

or the kind of woman

anyone would want to have around.

And then out of nowhere

it all shut off, and

I looked ahead of me

at the soldiering trees

bent over this small vein

of human traffic -

twisting and swaying,

quietly living on nothing but

sun and dirt and rain,

and for a brief moment

I felt powerful and free,

like a wild element or force of nature,

the same as the trees -

sun and dirt and rain;

simple, gifted, and aware

that there is nothing to fear.

That everywhere around me

is everything I will ever need


  1. It's like what Mick Jagger said. In that song. About getting what you need. Except you said it better.

    I would love to be as free as a tree, as wild as the dirt, as powerful as the rain, as simple, gifted and fearless as the sun.

    Hello, Poe.

  2. Ooooh, Scott, I really like the way you rearranged some of the words in my poem!! Lovely indeed. You are such a brilliant writer, and I am thankful for your kind words.


How I Will Change The World

I will make the world a better place.

I will make my life into something beautiful.

I am powerful enough to do whatever it takes.

These are the incantations of a despairing soul, begging herself for forgiveness and freedom from the tethers of the past.